2024 church calendar
The 2024 UECNA Ordo Calendar is now available. Calendars are printed in full color and based on the 1928 U.S. Book of Common Prayer.
The 2024 UECNA Ordo Calendar is now available. Calendars are printed in full color and based on the 1928 U.S. Book of Common Prayer.
The 2023 General Convention of the United Episcopal Church was held October 4-6 at Good Shepherd Anglican Church in Waynesboro, Virginia.
Latimer Theological Institute course registration is now open for the Michaelmas term.
Latimer Theological Institute course registration is now open for the Trinity term.
The United Episcopal Church Women (UECW) prayerfully requests donations from every congregation and from individuals for the UECW Spring Freewill Thank Offering. The offering will be collected April 1-30, 2023. The UECW makes funds available to missions, parishes, clergy, and others in need. This is a special opportunity to “pay it back” or “pay it forward.” Checks should be made
Latimer Theological Institute course registration is now open for the Lent 2023 term.
The Missionary Diocese of the West has been renamed the Western Archdeaconry and attached to the Missionary Diocese of the South and Ozarks. The UECNA House of Bishops determined that this arrangement will provide a greater degree of pastoral and administrative support for congregations in the West. The Western missionary diocese had been without a bishop ordinary for several years.
The 2023 UECNA Ordo Calendar is now available. Copies are $5 each with free shipping within the United States. Calendars are printed in full color and based on the 1928 U.S. Book of Common Prayer. To order, send check or money order, with “calendar” in the memo line, to UECNAP.O. Box 1113Waynesboro, VA 22980 You may also order online by clicking
The Rev. Paul C. Slish and the Rev. Daniel J. Sparks were consecrated bishops for the United Episcopal Church of North America on Saturday, March 26, 2022, in a service held at Saints Andrew and Matthias Anglican Church in Hastings, Michigan. Chief consecrator was the Most Rev. Peter Robinson, Presiding Bishop. Co-consecrators were the Rt. Rev. David Hustwick, Ordinary of
The United Episcopal Church will consecrate two bishops March 26, 2022 in Hastings, Michigan. The Rev. Paul Slish will be consecrated assistant bishop for the Diocese of the Great Lakes. The Rev. Daniel Sparks will be consecrated bishop for the Missionary Diocese of the South and Ozarks. The service will be held at 10:30 a.m. at Sts. Andrew & Matthias